farm carbon calculator

The software that quantifies, benchmarks,
and helps reduce carbon footprint across the food supply chain.

In the next five years, every food producing business in the world will have to disclose their operations’ carbon footprint.

We need to ensure food security through resource efficient food production.

Baselining greenhouse gas emissions is the crucial first step on that journey.

Agrecalc, the market-leading independent farm carbon calculator, quantifies, benchmarks, and helps reduce carbon footprint across the food supply chain, to enable transition towards a low-carbon, regenerative agriculture.

We support food producing businesses in measuring GHG emissions, and reducing them through efficient stewardship.

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
  • Produces precise carbon footprint reports for all farm enterprises.
  • Identifies the main sources of GHG emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide).
  • Calculates emissions across the whole farm.
  • Calculates emissions per farm enterprise.
  • Calculates emissions per kilo of product.
  • The largest benchmarking database allows for comparisons of business performance
  • Allows users to simulate scenarios to understand the impact of potential changes and monitor progress.
  • Offers option of data validation by experienced consultants.
  • Group Access Portals enable high-level overview for monitoring performance across the agri-food supply chain.
Agrecalc Cloud

Launched in 2023, Agrecalc Cloud is a state-of-the-art cloud based farm carbon calculator.

Based on greenhouse gas reporting guidelines published by the IPCC for national inventories, it also incorporates more specific national figures from the UK National Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

  • Improved and intuitive user interface
  • Updated coefficients
  • The most up-to-date science
  • Enhanced features
  • New and improved modules
  • Continuously updating benchmarks
  • Interactive dashboard
  • Clear reports with data visualisation
  • Organisation and project portals
  • Ability to integrate with other systems
  • … and much more.

Farm carbon calculator users


• Reduce input use and costs
• Secure government support
• Secure market and premiums


• Recommend actions based on data
• Guide your client towards sustainability
• Provide audit trail to help with finances

Supply Chain

• Manage thousands of farms
• Benchmark your performers
• Report on sustainability progress

Before Agrecalc farm carbon assessment

“The sector doesn’t know its numbers.”

Prof John Gilliland, Northern Ireland farmer

  • Uncertain carbon footprint: You may not have a clear understanding of your farm’s carbon emissions and how different practices contribute to it. When asked by your supply chain, or when applying for grants, schemes, and subsidies, you may not have an answer to a particular question.
  • Inefficient resource use: Without detailed data, resource use such as energy, water, and fertiliser may be inefficiently managed. You may be overspending in one area, and constantly having to compensate in another.
  • Lack of benchmarking: There may be no baseline to compare against, making it hard to set meaningful sustainability goals. Without a year-on-year comparison, it is hard to prove the efficiency of the implemented measures.
  • Limited insight into impact: You may not know the environmental impact of your operations on soil health, biodiversity, and water quality, limiting your access to conditional payments.

After baselining with Agrecalc

  • Precise carbon footprint measurement: You can accurately measure your farm’s carbon emissions across various activities and inputs. You can see the efficiency impact on your whole farm, per enterprise and per kilo of product. The Agrecalc report will enable an easier and faster application for government support.
  • Optimised resource management: Detailed data helps optimise resource use, reducing waste and costs associated with inputs like energy and effective use of fertiliser. Tracking inputs like purchased feed helps with the production of silage, and the costs associated with both. You can also track your diesel use, or check which fields are underperforming and take action.
  • Benchmarking and goal setting: You can benchmark your carbon footprint against industry standards or your own historical data, as well as businesses with similar enterprises. This helps set realistic goals and form carbon reduction plans, enabling easier application for loans and other financial services.
  • Enhanced environmental awareness: Insights into the farm’s data about your own resource efficiency empower farmers to adopt practices that will deliver the journey to net-zero carbon, while also delivering other public goods, such as improvements in water quality and biodiversity.

Trusted by

We also work with

Corporate farms

• Comply with regulations
• Address underperforming sections
• Demonstrate CSR

Policy makers

• Set realistic climate targets
• Inform policy based on data
• Comply with international guidelines

Science and research

• Inform policy makers
• Add value to projects with data
• Recommend sustainable practices

Tech and data providers

• Integrate cross-technology solutions
• Connect systems via API calls
• Enable CSR-level reporting

Why choose our farm carbon calculator?

Science and social responsibility

Our core model is based on greenhouse gas reporting guidelines published by the IPCC for national inventories. The Agrecalc farm carbon calculator also incorporates more specific national figures from the UK National Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

Our methods are certified by PAS 2050:2011, a UK standard for the robust quantification of product carbon footprints. 

Emissions (of all GHGs) are typically displayed in terms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) as an emissions intensity (Co2e / unit of output), commonly known as carbon footprint.

Learn more about our Company and the Methodology we apply.

Rooted in science and experience

Since inception in 2007, Agrecalc has produced tens of thousands carbon reports for 10,000+ farm enterprises, and collaborated with more than 180 agricultural consultants. Our farm carbon calculator is underpinned by the latest published scientific research by SRUC researchers and advisors.

Agrecalc has also been identified in “Preparing for Sustainable Farming”, track One of the Scottish Governments’ national testing programme*, as the carbon footprint calculator with recommendations supplied as part of the assessment.

In addition, Agrecalc is recognised in other emerging government programmes, like DEFRA’s Future Farm Resilience (FFR) in England, and with AHDB’s Farm Excellence Platform (FEP) across the UK.

*Scottish Government, ‘Preparing for Sustainable Farming – Producer Guidance’, page 8

Aligned with recognised standards

Agrecalc broadly aligns with LCA guidelines defined by ISO 14044 and PAS 2050 standards as well as IPCC guidelines for greenhouse gas reporting for all emissions to the farm-gate. With modules that count hedges and woodland, Agrecalc can help validate your environmental credentials. This is especially significant when it comes to applying for subsidies and grants, and participating in various agricultural schemes and projects. 
In addition to improving technical efficiency, profitability and cost-saving opportunities, Agrecalc can help support transition to low-carbon agriculture, essential to tackling climate change and protecting the environment.

What we achieved for our clients

Accelerating net-zero journey with ArcZero

A pioneering project in Northern Ireland that demonstrated how farms can make structured progress towards reaching national net carbon targets, combining measuring and benchmarking from Agrecalc with forensic evidence.

Creed family farm in Essex

As part of ABP's PRISM2030 programme, the Creed family farm used Agrecalc to improve its efficiency while reducing its carbon footprint, as well as connect with a community of like-minded farmers to learn from and share ideas.

Benchmarking in Herefordshire

Herefordshire Council and 4R Reassurance reached out to Agrecalc to help benchmark the farms in the county, and assist with improving carbon and resource efficiency.

Carbon Neutral Beef Production

A farming business in Scotland used Agrecalc to identify and lower emissions from 51 kg / CO2e per kg of output, to 27 kg / CO2e per kg of output.

What our clients say about us

Our latest insights

ScotGov Whole Farm Plan and carbon audits

You may have heard about the new development in Scotland called Whole Farm Plan. It involves various activities and plans that have to be put in place in the next three years, in order to be able to claim Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) payments. In this blog we’re going to focus on what that means for carbon audits.

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ScotGov pauses FAS to allow processing of outstanding applications

Due to high demand, the Scottish Government has put a temporary pause on processing FAS Carbon Audits. Agrecalc users should continue to tick the FAS box (version 1) or toggle the FAS button (Agrecalc Cloud), or alternatively apply through Preparing for Sustainable farming (PSF) scheme on the ScotGov website.

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