farm carbon calculator

The carbon and efficiency tool
that gives you clarity and confidence in reducing emissions.

Agrecalc is the market-leading independent farm carbon calculator – a software solution that makes farm greenhouse gas emissions visible, helping actors across the food supply chain take confident and cost-effective steps towards a net-zero future. By benchmarking and monitoring farm GHG emissions, we are supporting agriculture’s transition to a low-carbon future. This aims to foster global agricultural sustainability by decreasing carbon footprint and increasing production efficiency.

A comprehensive carbon solution

Agrecalc produces precise carbon footprint reports for all farm enterprises by:

  • identifying the main sources of carbon emissions
  • measuring emissions
  • monitoring improvements
  • benchmarking key performance indicators and relevant comparators

The Agrecalc farm carbon calculator also allows users to simulate scenarios to understand the impact of potential changes and monitor progress.

With Group Access Portals it enables easy performance comparison across different systems, identifying practical and green management actions to boost productivity.

Recognising international standards

Our core model is based on greenhouse gas reporting guidelines published by the IPCC for national inventories. The Agrecalc farm carbon calculator also incorporates more specific national figures from the UK National Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

Our methods are certified by PAS 2050:2011, a UK standard for the robust quantification of product carbon footprints. 

Emissions (of all GHGs) are typically displayed in terms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) as an emissions intensity (Co2e / unit of output), commonly known as carbon footprint.

Learn more about our Company and the Methodology we apply.

Rooted in science and experience

Since inception in 2007, Agrecalc has produced more than 20,000 carbon reports for 9,000+ farm enterprises, and collaborated with more than 180 agricultural consultants. Our farm carbon calculator is underpinned by the latest published scientific research by SRUC researchers and advisors.

Agrecalc has also been identified in “Preparing for Sustainable Farming”, Track One of the Scottish Government’s National Testing Programme* as the carbon footprint calculator with recommendations supplied as part of the audit.

In addition, Agrecalc is recognised in other emerging government programmes, like DEFRA’s Future Farm Resilience (FFR) in England, and with AHDB’s Farm Excellence Platform (FEP) across the UK.

*Scottish Government, ‘Preparing for Sustainable Farming – Producer Guidance’, page 8

Who we work with

Food industry

Your environmentally-conscious consumers are increasingly demanding that you procure and produce low-carbon, high quality food. And to keep your customer promise, you need a just-in-time farm carbon calculator for measuring carbon emissions.
Agrecalc offers a solution to both your immediate compliance challenges, as well as supports the need for longer-term sustainability strategies within the food supply chain.

Farm businesses

You need a seamless handover between yourself and other key players in the supply chain to achieve market advantage and improve economic gain. You can start for free with a non-commercial use of our solution.
Additional capabilities with our farm carbon calculator include benchmarking against industry standards, mitigation measures and what-if scenario planning, all of which help farmers with compliance too.

Corporate farms

You want to benchmark and understand which are the most ethically-sourced food supplies across your supply chain. All the produce that your farms supply is a reflection on your business and your reputation. Therefore it's pivotal you understand which of your farms' produce meets the highest standards of low-carbon production.
The Agrecalc farm carbon calculator can revolutionise environmental performance in your supply chain, so you can achieve exactly that.

Agricultural consultants

You want to provide the best service to your clients and identify the areas across the food supply chain that need improvement. By using Agrecalc farm carbon calculator you can validate findings and recommend mitigation measures to help plug efficiency gaps.
This will help ensure fair farmgate prices for your clients, and provide the knowledge and expertise to help them lower their carbon footprint, leading to high customer satisfaction and retention levels.

Policy makers

You need to be compliant with international guidelines and meet targets set by the international community. You can be confident that the key players across the agricultural supply chain using Agrecalc farm carbon calculator will help you accurately understand the country's food production's carbon footprint, identify measures to improve performance, ensure food security and underpin research and policy to help shape supply chain standards.

Science and research

You play an instrumental role in delivering expertise to inform policy makers, academia and research, as well as adding value to projects and identifying measures to further recommend practices leading to a sustainable future for all.
By using the Agrecalc farm carbon calculator, you can accurately perform scenario testing and apply country-specific coefficients. This leads to having access to precise and defensible figures to prove the validity of your research.

Tech and data providers

You are keen to automate and integrate cross-technology systems that can increase productivity, drive change and champion the environment. Agrecalc can help you with seamless data migration for CSR level reporting, as well as granular production unit reporting via APIs.

We love our clients

Why choose our farm carbon calculator?

Science and social responsibility

Agrecalc is one of a kind precise software that offers both breadth and depth of on-farm and through-the-supply-chain calculations of carbon footprint. Using Agrecalc gives you much more than a tick-box exercise of a carbon audit – it is a resource efficiency calculator, and as such is able to pinpoint where the improvements can be made, paving the way towards a sustainable future, without having an impact on food security.
Innovation lies at the core of Agrecalc ethos; we are a tech company that serves agriculture and the world's food supply chain, enabling it to reduce its carbon footprint.

Big picture and granular view

Agrecalc is one of the tools on the market that calculate whole farm emissions. It covers the full range of agricultural systems and food sectors and combines these in whole farm review.
Agrecalc is a comprehensive instrument that offers both breadth and depth of on-farm data, enabling users to identify hotspots and management practices that can deliver the biggest emission reductions.
The team behind Agrecalc are always on hand to offer expert support and advice. Whether you're just starting out on your carbon reduction journey, or you're looking for ways to further improve efficiency, Agrecalc is an invaluable resource.

Compliance and bottom-line benefits

Agrecalc broadly aligns with LCA guidelines defined by ISO 14044 and PAS 2050 standards as well as IPCC guidelines for greenhouse gas reporting for all emissions to the farm-gate. With modules that count hedges and woodland, Agrecalc can help validate your environmental credentials. This is especially significant when it comes to applying for subsidies and grants, and participating in various agricultural schemes and projects.
In addition to improving technical efficiency, profitability and cost-saving opportunities, Agrecalc can help support transition to low-carbon agriculture, essential to tackling climate change and protecting the environment.

What we achieved for our clients

Accelerating net-zero journey with ArcZero

A pioneering project in Northern Ireland that demonstrated how farms can make structured progress towards reaching national net carbon targets, combining measuring and benchmarking from Agrecalc with forensic evidence.

Look Family Farm in Somerset

As part of ABP's PRISM2030 programme, the Look Family Farm used Agrecalc to improve the family business' carbon and resource efficiency, reducing emissions by changing feeding and machinery use practices.

Benchmarking in Herefordshire

Herefordshire Council and 4R Reassurance reached out to Agrecalc to help benchmark the farms in the county, and assist with improving carbon and resource efficiency.

Carbon Neutral Beef Production

A farming business in Scotland used Agrecalc to identify and lower emissions from 51 kg / CO2e per kg of output, to 27 kg / CO2e per kg of output.

What our clients say about us

Our latest insights

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Three major farm carbon calculators outline a roadmap to harmonisation

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