Agrecalc pillars of science

Supported by four pillars of research, education, innovation and outreach

By necessity, Agrecalc is a continually evolving and expanding tool – supported by integration of cutting-edge science, world-class research, academic collaborations, and novel module development based on continuous horizon scanning of the various industry sectors to future-proof Agrecalc, as we support the agri-food industry on its transitional pathway to net zero.

The ongoing scientific and research development of Agrecalc, to achieve our mission of becoming the globally recognised standard for carbon emission calculation, benchmarking, and mitigationis supported by four strategic pillars of scientific research, education, innovation, and outreach:

  1. Updating, refinement and expansion of current Agrecalc baseline tool
  2. Development of new modules, and expansion of existing service
  3. Ensuring and maintaining defensibility and credibility – including ISO accreditation, maintaining PAS2050, etc.
  4. Scientific and research engagement and communication – academic research collaboration, teaching and student engagement; and longer-term plans including sponsorship of PhD and MSc research programmes.

To that end, Agrecalc has welcomed the DEFRA Harmonisation report (“Harmonisation of Carbon Accounting Tools for Agriculture – SCF0129“) as it presents an additional opportunity for Agrecalc and other calculators to progress towards increased consistency, fostering confidence and standardisation in our approaches and methodologies.

The recent launch of our advanced Agrecalc Cloud platform, coupled with planned changes in the coming months, evidences a significant advancement from our initial platform, as scrutinised in the DEFRA report, and positions us closer to the harmonised approach advocated in the report.

pillars of science

Measuring, reporting and verification to improve GHG emissions

Advancements in measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) technologies are an integral component to improve agricultural GHG emission and carbon reporting in the United Kingdom, and globally, to support a sustainable and resilient agri-food industry. Agrecalc will be continuously developing its new cloud-based platform – Agrecalc Cloud – and API data service integration capabilities, to maximise the benefits and opportunities that these advancements in MRV bring to the tool. 

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