Corporate sustainability in food industry

Supporting evolving policy programmes and decision making

As a sustainability manager or officer in the food industry, your role is multi-faceted and you have to juggle different aspects with dexterity, navigating a very complex terrain.

Whether a Chief Sustainability Officer, or a member of the ESG team, you are at the helm of progress as:

  • The Change Agent: you challenge the traditional business approach, building an environment that will generate innovative solutions. You may not have all the answers at the moment, but you need to stimulate discussions and ask tough questions that will promote sustainable advancements.
  • The Facilitator: you engage stakeholders who often have differing views, and you enable them to engage in meaningful conversations and reach a consensus. You need to manage resource allocation in both budgets and know-how to address intricate sustainability issues.
  • The Steward: you ensure that established processes and governance are effective, and that your company is on the right track towards your sustainability goal. You are in a position to identify potential risks and intercept them at an early stage.
  • The Executor: you translate strategies into action. You are responsible for the design of the solution, its implementation and the resolution of any arising issues. All the while, you’re directing and monitoring the performance of the team involved.

Furthermore, Chief Sustainability Officers are value creators, coalition builders and futurists. You are a strategic thinker who knows that a thoughtful approach to working with other functions will drive an engine of innovation and thrive at a time when innovation is sorely needed.

Agrecalc supports sustainability initiatives

Agrecalc is a carbon calculation platform that offers year-through-year tracking of carbon emissions from farm enterprises. It allows for benchmarking against other farm businesses based on multiple parameters.

As such, it can support sustainability initiatives across the food supply chain when it comes to calculating, monitoring and reducing farm carbon emissions, whilst improving production efficiency, biodiversity, soil, water and animal health and welfare.

The calculation tool has been used since 2016 to deliver carbon audits under the Scottish Farm Advisory Service (FAS) and Beef Efficiency Scheme (BES) in Scotland, as well as various government schemes in Northern Ireland since 2020. In addition to continuous support of these schemes, Agrecalc is recognised as the preferred carbon calculator in emerging government programmes such as Preparing for Sustainable Farming (PSF) in Scotland.  

Initiate programmes to reach net zero

The platform can extract large datasets securely and anonymously, enabling regional and country level analysis and insights. This is valuable to anyone working in ESG as enables benchmarking and monitoring, providing accurate information based on peer-reviewed scientific findings and studies.

With Agrecalc, you can initiate programmes that will provide farmers and other actors within the supply chain with a support framework that can enable them to produce and process food with lower emissions, lower costs and improved productivity.

With ambitious goals of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions across the whole of agriculture in England and Wales by 2040 (2045 in Scotland), you need to start measuring and benchmarking now.

a farmer holding a ripe cauliflower in their hands in the sunshine

How can Agrecalc help?

Agrecalc has the ability to capture all farm enterprises, with the results expressed as whole farm, or allocated by enterprise and product. It also has operational modules on carbon sequestration from woodlands, hedges and soils. 

All the data entered is checked by expert consultants, to ensure data quality. Furthermore, once the farm data is entered and the report has been generated, there is an option to submit it for validation.

Currently in development is the API-led connectivity to multiple databases including, for example, Scot EID, and GLFI for feed inputs. Future plans involve even greater connectivity to other data platforms.

Own your own carbon story

To fulfill your strategic goals, and deliver change at scale, Agrecalc can also help with education and training.

The team of experts behind the platform have years of experience and expertise in the field. As one of the first calculators to enter the market back in 2007, sustainability is more than a word for us. It is the ethos that we live and breathe.

The newest iteration of the software, Agrecalc Cloud, is all about customer experience: the user interface has been streamlined and created as an intuitive system that will make the customer journey easier and faster. The improvements have been made in the back-end too, so that the calculations incorporate the latest climate science.

Agrecalc sheep comparisons

Need expert guidance in decision making?

Contact us today to learn more how we can support your work.