You need to keep the business running, and you need a just-in-time tool for carbon emissions. Agrecalc can help you with both with your immediate compliance challenges, as well as with longer-term sustainability strategies.
You need a seamless handover between yourself, the producer, and others in the supply chain, in this new world of carbon footprinting. Agrecalc offers farmers the options of a free non-commercial use of the tool. To help further with compliance, additional benchmarking, mitigation and what-if scenario planning are a possibility.
You want to improve efficiency, ensure sustainability of your operation and lead the way of adapting to the future of agriculture. Agrecalc is here to support implementing change and enhancing environmental performance in your supply chain.
You want to provide the best service to your clients and identify the areas in the food supply chain that need improvement. Agrecalc can help you discover the implementation points and keep customer satisfaction and retention high.
You need to be compliant with international guidelines and meet targets set by the international community. Agrecalc is committed to module development that can inform policy, underpin research, support education, and help shape supply chain standards.
You want to be able to scenario-test various outcomes to inform policy makers, academia and research, as well as add value to projects. Agrecalc can offer custom module development with country-specific coefficients. It is the new research that drives the Agrecalc engine too.
You are keen to automate and integrate cross-technology systems that can increase productivity, drive change and champion the environment. Agrecalc can help you with seamless data migration for CSR level reporting, as well as granular production unit reporting via APIs.
You need to explore green economy opportunities and find new, innovative ways to support transition to low-carbon ways of doing business. Agrecalc can offer benchmarking and data integrations to support sound financial decisions.
Agrecalc is a precise instrument that offers both breadth and depth of on-farm data, enabling users to identify hotspots and management practices that can deliver the biggest emission reductions. It is suitable for all agricultural enterprises.
The Agrecalc calculator is the backbone of our carbon footprinting service. Our calculation software transforms farm level data into emissions estimates, carbon sequestration figures, and key performance indicators.
By bridging the gap between research and practice, we aim to create a holistic approach to addressing the challenges faced by the agricultural and ecological sectors. We pride on our research excellence, practical expertise, innovations and solutions, and delivering training and workshops.
Agrécalc est le calculateur de carbone agricole leader sur le marché – une solution logicielle qui rend visibles les émissions de gaz à effet de serre agricoles, aidant les acteurs de la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire à prendre des mesures confiantes et rentables vers un avenir net zéro.
Our modelling methodology for carbon footpriting is based on greenhouse gas reporting guidelines published by the IPCC for national inventories. We also incorporate more specific national figures from the UK National Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
PRISM2030 farmer digs for answers to reduce carbon emissions in Wales
Launched in November 2022 by ABP Food group, one of Europe’s leading privately owned food processors, the PRISM2030 programme enabled a Welsh farmer to utilise results from Agrecalc to improve underperforming fields and reduce costs with less bought-in artificial fertiliser.
This pioneering project set out to demonstrate how farms can make structured progress towards reaching national emissions targets. Benchmarking in Agrecalc, along with other forward-thinking MRV methods, demonstrate that agriculture has the capacity to capture, manage and store carbon.
Benchmarking sees fruit producers in Herefordshire come out on top
In Herefordshire, 4R Group and Agrecalc have responded to the Council's Green Action plan by conducting carbon assessments among a diverse range of farming types, reflecting the farming practices in the area.
Reducing carbon footprint with Grosvenor Farms Limited
Find out how Agrecalc helped lower carbon footprint of an award-winning commercial farm on the Eaton Estate near Chester, with informative and easily understood reports, and helped establish clear objectives for continuous improvement.
Reducing the volume of straw used and working on soil health are the two main improvements organic farmer John Ker made after agreeing to carbon calculation.
Essex farm undertakes calculation to stabilise future
For Helen Creed's family farm with mixed enterprises, joining PRISM 2030 has been both about highlighting ways they can improve its efficiency while reducing its carbon footprint, as well as connecting with a community of like-minded farmers to learn from and share ideas.
Agrecalc comes out on top among European farmers in CCC project
One of the aspects of the Climate Care Cattle (CCC) Farming Systems, a European project with a number of member countries from the Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, Latvia, Poland and Lithuania, was to test farm carbon calculators for ease of use, data visualisation abilities, and scenario testing. Agrecalc emerged as a favourite.
PRISM2030 helps farming family kickstart reducing carbon emissions
Benchmarking was one of the main reasons Emily Gascoigne and her husband Adam Smith signed up to carbon calculation. They wanted to have figures to go forward with and use as a benchmark further down the line.
Hard data enables scope for improvement in Somerset
As part of PRISM2030, a major initiative launched by the ABP Food group, one of Europe’s leading privately owned food processors, and Agrecalc’s consultancy partners, The Anderssons Centre, the Look family farm in Somerset benefited from using Agrecalc to identify improvements and allow for practical recommendations.
Developing sustainable farming systems with AgriSearch
AgriSearch set out to benchmark carbon sequestration on farm, quantify the benefit of ecosystem services provided by farmers, and encourage the development of innovative, resilient and sustainable farming systems.
Reaching carbon neutral beef production with Edinvale farm
Using Agrecalc for their carbon audits year after year, the business has achieved considerable savings in resource use and also lowered its carbon footprint by a third, from 51 kg of CO2e / kg of output down to 27 kg of CO2e / kg.
Angus Soft Fruits is a leading supplier of berries to UK & European retailers, ensuring year-round supply of berries direct to the customer. Working with SAC Consulting, they are taking action to reduce carbon emissions in the berry supply chain.
Emissions scenario testing in alternative pig farrowing systems
Learn how Agrecalc helped to model potential impacts of introducing variables such as increased piglet mortality, providing extra straw for enrichment and quicker indoor finishing.
In this Agrecalc case study, read how the sum of small gains allowed for 48.52% increase in output between the first audit in 2017 and the third audit in 2020, and the total emissions per kilo of output were reduced by 34%.
Read how the business has been made aware of their inputs, and how the carbon audits highlighted for improvement the areas that otherwise would not have been obvious.
After having compared against enterprises of similar size with Agrecalc‘s benchmarking capability, the savings on silage and hard feed were quite substantial.